Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hello...I guess?

I've started a new blog! ...and I don't know why.

This is my third (?...I'm not sure if the other two count as one because I moved it to another site) blog. The others didn't last long. I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it has to do with commitment to not write "journal" posts. I'm not sure why anyone would want to read about my life, so in the past, I've made a point to write objectively about issues and ideas and less about my personal life.

The problem with this is that eventually I get to a point where I have a really difficult time writing because I can't think of something to write about outside of myself. Sometimes life gets to a point where you just need to vent (within reason, since it is the internet) and work out things that consume my mind on paper (or screen in this case).

So, what am I going to blog about here. Well, I'm planning to be less formal than with past blogs. That means that I probably will do life event blogs, but I will still write about issues and ideas that I care about.

If you happened across this blog, I hope you like it. :)